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Add translation files

  • Create your JSON translation files.
  • Surround dynamic values by double underscores: __dynamicValue__.
  • To allow automatic plural detection, you will need to pass a count parameter to Talkr's translation function. Talkr will then chose the right word or sentence between zero, one, two, few and many.

🤓: Some languages have more complex plural rules, that may require these five options to offer a perfect user experience. For instance, Arabic handle zero, one, two, numbers between 3 and 10 and numbers over 10 as separate entities. If a language doesn't need all these subtleties - like english - you can only write zero, one and many in the JSON file.

"hello": "hello",
"feedback": {
"error": "The connection failed",
"success": "The connection succedeed"
"user": {
"describe": {
"simple": "You are __name__",
"complex": "You are __name__ and you like __hobby__"
"message-count": {
"zero": "you don't have new messages",
"one": "you have 1 message",
"many": "you have __count__ messages"